HTC U20 5G Dual Sim 256GB White (8GB RAM)

HTC U20 5G Dual Sim 256GB White (8GB RAM)

Also avaiable in black?

Klient Etoren

Wysłany dnia Thu Oct 29, 2020 08:32 PM
Hello, I've seen (at ebay US and HTC Taiwan) that the U20 5G is also avaiable in black. May it is possible that you get it in black, too? If, I would order it instantly. Best regards John

Wsparcie Etoren Pracownik

Wysłany dnia Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:05 PM

Hi, thank you for your enquiry! The HTC U20 5G Dual Sim 256GB Black is not available on at the moment. Do keep a look out for it!